Hopkins Build ref: 482


General Information

HMS build No: 482 – Jason Pritchard Rally Support van.

HMS converted a new Mercedes 518 Sprinter van.


Removable rear seats: to allow for up to 6 persons to travel if required or removable to maximise loading capacity.

Front section:

walls and ceiling:                             Gloss white finish with insulation behind.

Multi point securing tracking:     Fitted to the floor and walls for securing.

HMS wall unit:                                 Bespoke wall unit with integrated microwave and LED lighting below.

Base units:                                        Combination of HMS and Lista cabinets.


Rear section:

False floor:         to incorporate storage of tyre jack, fuel pump and awning weights below.

Above false floor:                          

Shoring poles:                   Adjustable with to allow for 13”,15” & 18” wheels and tyres.

Stainless mesh:                 To secure parts to the walls and ceiling as required.

HMS wall unit:                  Bespoke wall unit with integrated microwave and LED lighting below.



Power:                                3 Kw intelligent Victron inverter.

                                             Solar panel backup system.

                                             230Volt landline connection.

                                             12V Led external lighting.




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Sampson Business Park
BS10 7RS



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